Curriculum, updated? 6 best Publications tesi disponibili nel Gruppo di Ricerca free software available Documents for a joung chemist

Curriculum, list of best pubblications, the software, ....

  Quello che segue e' un elenco in ordine sparso di notizie personali ma anche utili agli studenti del corso. Elenco per fortuna sempre in fase di aggiornamento.

Biography of Dr. Giovanni Visco

  Graduated (laurea magistralis) in Chemistry at "La Sapienza" Rome University on July 1982 with full voting, after High School for Chemistry Technician at the Bernini Institute of Rome.

  Free co-worker at the same University, Chemistry Department, in the research group of Prof. L. Campanella, from 1982 with activity in the field of acquisition, processing, and chemometrics treatment of analytical and environmental chemical data.

  Contract professor from 1993 to 1995 at "La Sapienza" Rome University.

  Contract researcher at "La Sapienza" Rome University, chemistry Department from 2001 up 2008.

  Actually, August 2018, "temporary appointment professor" for Chemometrics in the Degree Course "Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage for Diagnostic and for Conservation" at "La Sapienza" Rome University, Italy.

  Master planner and coordinator of the biennial International Meeting "Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics for Cultural Heritage and Environment" on the previous editions 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2022, 2022 and future planned.

  Acting as Guest Editor for the April 2008 issue of Microchemical Journal (Vol88, Issue 2, Pages 95-224), January 2010 issue for Current Analytical Chemistry (Vol6, Issue 1, Pages 1-103), May 2012 issue of Chemistry Central Journal (Vol.6, Sup. 2, May 2012) in any case for "Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry applied to Cultural Heritage and to Environment".

  Main research field: diagnostic applied to cultural heritage and environment, set up of new analytical instruments, set up of new remediation methods by photo-degradation.

  Author of more then 35 publications in the field of analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, cultural heritage diagnostic and chemometrics. Also author of more then 30 communications to Congresses in the above fields.

  Invited by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as teacher and scientific coordinator in a chemometrics course, 10-14 December 2007.

  High member of one of the main teacher's Labour Party and signer of many collective labour contracts.

  Main hobby: restoring of ancients audio tube equipment.

  This curriculum vitae coming from teacher's page of MIUR web site, it is a reduced version, the full one is confidential.

bibliographic references

  In my opinion the most interesting 6 papers published in some years of research, 6 on about 50.

Free software available

  Forse chiamarlo software e' eccessivo. Sono disponibili vari piccoli moduli, spesso realizzati dentro un foglio elettronico, per semplificare un poco la vita di laboratorio, per esempio:

  1. peak deconvolution:
    (or peak fitting, or peaks solve) this spreadsheet solves overalpped peaks. Call in any manner but when you have a shape as summa of 2 or 3 peaks you can use this package running on Excel 2000, up to 2007. This is the link with the download and more instructions.
  2. time shift:
    to find the better correlation between 2 series is possible move the second one forward or backward by 1 step. With this package you can use Excel to move 4 steps in 2 opposite sides your data.
  3. linear amplitude scaling:
    also call Linear Loudness Scaling, sometime is necessary compare the shape of 2 absorbance bands in spectrometry with little different Abs. In HPLC or Ion Chromatography often is necessary compare 2 peaks with tailing or fronting or strange form but with different height. This software can do "amplification" on the 2nd data set with a linear scaling.
  4. color profile across a line:
    Having a stain, on a surface, we can digitalize and with a free software obtain a color profile across a line (someone call this Line Profile RGB Analysis). This is more important for Cultural Finds to monitoring the progress of degradation, or better to measure the cleaning. As example cleaning an ancient paper with foxing, it is possible measure the paper as-is, after measure the paper cleaned with the method A or with the method B and finally compare the "color" of the three surfaces.
  5. first derivate:
    More and more software calculate the first derivate on a discrete distribution using difference between 2 consecutive points (or ΔY/ΔX) but this is not the true derivate.
    The first derivate of a function is the slope of the line tangent to the curve designed by the function. Having a discrete distribution it is possible, and better, calculate a function, using odd number of points, for the point where we need to compute the derivate. A good idea is use a "conical", not so easy to compute with Excel!
  6. carbonate titration:
    The measure of Carbonate (CO3--) and Hydrogen Carbonate (HCO3-) in water is one of the main measure for spring and underground water, but also is very interesting measure in the study of masonry or ancient lime/concrete composition.
    There are a lot of method to do this measure but the first choice, accurate, and reliable is the potentiometric titration of solution under test with a strong acid (as HCl) and measure, continuosly, the pH of solution. We produce a Excel spreadsheet to help the analist in this measure.
  7. copy of XlXtrFun:
    One of the most interesting software for interpolation, downsampling, oversampling used often by my students, and by us for publication. Unfortunately the main site seem freezed so this is a copy+.
  8. copy of WinIdams 1.3en:
    A very interesting free software for statistic and multivariate analysis from Unesco, unfortunately not maintained by years. And the link to Unesco download is broken (correct please). So we recover the original file and some documents from our server and put on-line for statistician or students, this is a copy+.
  9. .
Documenti disponibili per un giovane chimico

  Queste sono una serie di pagine contenenti i documenti che gli studenti che entrano in tesi dovrebbero leggere con attenzione e che contengono le "regole" usate di solito nei laboratori di ricerca. Detti suggerimenti servono per facilitare lo sviluppo di una buona tesi.

  Sono certo che questi documenti sono utili anche per tutti gli studenti che devono iniziare la loro tesi di laurea in un'altra qualsiasi disciplina scientifica.

Seguite i seguenti links ai manuali:

Universita' Degli Studi di Roma
La Sapienza
Dr. G. Visco
appointed professor for chemometrics & ....
Facolta' di Scienze Mat. Fis. Nat.
Dip. Chimica
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